Quickfever is a tech blog that provides information on Windows, Android, and iOS devices. It is run by Devendra Meena, who creates tech videos and tutorials on various topics.
Devendra Meena is the Chief Executive Officer and Director of Content at Quickfever, a startup that provides tech customization tips and Windows-related tutorials. He enjoys writing and marketing and has been doing so for as long as he can remember. You can learn more on Linkedin profile.
How it started
It all started in April 2015 when I came across a unique domain and that’s when Quickfever took birth.
Quickfever is your go-to website for free tech articles. We provide the latest information on technology so you can stay ahead of the curve. Lead editor Devendra has been experimenting with software since he was tall enough to reach the keyboard. Check all the ways you can support us.
Quickfever has been recommended as an expert resource by newspapers, organizations, and technology outlets like Hatenablog, Meetingsnet, Saashub, Mdex-nn, Indiana University Chron, Superuser thread, and Tom’s Hardware have linked to our guides.

Ways to connect and contact
- Media request to info@quickfever.com
- For tech support: DM on our Instagram page
- Follow us everywhere: Instagram, RSS, Newsletter, Youtube

Our old logo was replaced in late 2019.
About us
Devendra is a tech orientate person, most of the tasks I do includes a quicker and easier way of doing a thing that is otherwise complicated.
I started doing a govt job in late 2022, and due to that, I could barely work online during the day time. So if you want any tech help, feel free to email or message me, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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This site runs on WordPress CMS powered by OpenLiteSpeed web server, we love DigitalOcean’s Cloud hosting. Want to make a WordPress blog like Quickfever? a handy guide is here.
Some of the links are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I may earn little commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. So click and buy everything from Amazon.com – United States, and Amazon.in India