Google Site Kit 1.50.0 for WordPress: Plugin Download ZIP


Download Google Site Kit Plugin for WordPress: Public released on 1 Nov 2019.
Version: 1.50, February 2022
Type: Zip WordPress Plugin

Download WordPress Plugin / Github Page

A new intuitive tool “Google Site kit” made by Google is a WordPress plugin that combines and brings together Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, and PageSpeed Insights. Allowing webmasters to see unified console and analytics data URL-wise, within the page.

It makes easier to learn how your blog post doing, you’ll instantly know if there is room for improvement. The plug-in is available to download for WordPress, right now it’s beta and the final version will go live on WordPress plug-in listing in near future.

Setup Google Site Kit in WordPress

It takes less than 2 minutes to install the Google site kit on a WordPress site. You have two options to install the plugin, First one is download the plugin and then upload it by going to add new plugin section. Assuming the second option you might find very easy, go to your sites Plugin page, click Add new plugin, type Google kit in the search bar and from there click on the install button.

Once installed you will have to go through these four steps to configure it.

  1. Authenticate
  2. Verify URL
  3. Connect Search Console
  4. Configure

Google Site Kit Features

Google site kit combines the data from following Google products, and display on a page level.

  1. Search Console
  2. Analytics
  3. Adsense
  4. PageSpeed Insights

For example, open search console, the data displayed is combined /overall data. How a specific page is doing, requires filtering. Google Site Kit for WordPress filters out automatically for you and shows you data of the currently opened page.

  1. Search Console: View page queries, impressions, and other data from search console.
  2. Analytics: Instantly learn traffic and user interaction, track page views, keep eyes on goals and conversion rates.
  3. Adsense: Track you’re earning while you create content. The metrics include impressions, clicks and earning. Kowing revenue is coming from your site, helps you stay inspired and write more articles
  4. PageSpeed Insights: Learn how your page is doing at the speed department. If there is a suggestion, try to apply them and make your website load insanely fast.

According to the site kit product page, Google says.

“With Site Kit installed, WordPress users can access unified insights and Google product capabilities directly from the WordPress admin panel. Where it is helpful, Site Kit will also provide deep links into Google products for advanced reports and product configuration capabilities.”

Google Site Kit FAQs

What is the Google Site kit?

It consists of data fetched from, search console, analytics, Adsense and page speed. A plugin designed to help webmasters check unified insights.

Whose for Site kit?

Anyone who runs a WordPress site or blog can use it. What is the Price of Google Site Kit? Google Site kit is a Free open-source WordPress plugin developed by Google and UX leads for end WordPress users.

A few words

Following WordPress 5, Google steps in the arena with Site Kit plugin that merges 4 Google products and offers insights data to the user’s dashboard to help grow their website. WordPress 5 is a big update, but we can’t say the same for the new editor it brings along — Gutenberg — a block-based editor. It makes it easier to move, organize and decorate page elements. The editor freaked-out many people but they have the option to use a plugin that restores old editor.

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