The Best Microsoft Paint Alternative For Windows 10


Microsoft Paint has been with Microsoft for almost 32 years, but now he is retiring from the operating system, here are some Paint alternatives you can use.

Microsoft is releasing Windows 10 fall creators update somewhere in October 2017, on this support page Microsoft listed Microsoft paint is not in development and planned to remove from the operating system, worry not, as it will be available on the Windows Store for free. ¹

Why does it matter to you: If you are a person who likes to have an up to date Windows 10 version you might need a Paint replacement application soon. With the fall creator update which is possibly making it to computers in this October, the paint feature will be long gone, however some reports suggesting that paint will be available through windows store and some of its features will be merged into paint 3D. But in reality, the paint 3D cannot be your quick-and-dirty picture editing thing to do.

A solution: There are still high possibility that someone from the internet will try to bring back Paint by hacking or tweaking, site’s like AskVG are supposed to do that. But you wouldn’t know that for sure, and maybe someone will make an image editing that mimics the Paint interface and functionality.

Plus Microsoft recently made an announcement paint will be available through windows store for free, only it won’t come bundled with the operating system. 

Let have a break. The Paint was (is) an awesome tool to make a doodle, type or quick edit something really fast. Let’s have a look at what you can use as Paint replacement. The perfect Paint alternative


  • Support for PNG JPG bitmap images.
  • Unlimited undo and redo feature.
  • Image quality adjusts setting when saving a picture.
  • Lots of effects and image editing options.
  • Lightweight to run on any computer.

Where it feels good

Unlike the supports PNG and GIF images as well, so it will preserve the background transparency. It also provide more than enough effects and functionalities but they won’t overwhelm you for sure. Being a user of this, I can tell you that it is very easy to get used to it.Where it falls short.

Where it falls short.

Remember, when you had to draw something in your childhood you would just open the paint and use Mouse cursor to draw silly things, well you can do almost same here, but you won’t get the brush paint like stuff you see on Windows 10 paint.

Paint 3D.T

The most impenetrable difference here is 2D and 3D, the all new Paint 3D app bundled with Windows 10. Microsoft can merge some Paint function in it so that more people can easily use this application. But it’ll be a hell of a burden to individuals who use paint for simple image work.

Well, now everyone is an artist so not everyone would jump to the Paint 3D and show their talent. If Paint 3d is something microsoft want to offer instead of Paint —will be a bummer.