15 Best Discord Bots for Your Awesome Discord Server


If you are thinking to add some Discord Bots to your server, then this post can prove to be very helpful, because we’ve put together all the best discord bots which, can make enhancements, increase flexibility, add useful features and fetch music. Read the post to discover popular bots and install them on your server using given invite link.

Best discord bots

The process of installing a bot on your disk server is very easy, but it requires some settings to turn on your server side. When help needed? Read the help guide below.

How to add a bot to your discord server (step by step).


Being a music bot, Neko chan offers all the functionality for free such as volume control. You can search for any youtube song and later select which song to play.


AnthBot is the first addition to our list, it has so many filtering features, customizations abilities, and saved logs. Moreover, it includes fun commands and notification updates through social media channels.

Highly customizable: This very discord bot is customizable which means you can change almost everything by from simple text messages to messages with exciting content.

Get notifications: You can connect the bot to your Facebook page and get notified, and the same goes for other social media networks like Twitter, read it, YouTube and Twitch. Another important thing is that you can also get updates on other social media networks such as Telegram

A ton of features: If you want to enable the rank system in your game community, then this can be an excellent bot because it encourages people in your community to do participate and you can also see which is your community The game is playing.


best discord bots

Anthbot commands.

!ban to ban a use from your server and !kick to kick a user, example !ban @username.

!broadcast [Message] will send personal message to every user on your server.

!joke and !memlist will display jokes and top 10 memes on your server.

!coin command is useful to decide between two.


Dyno is VERY flexible and has been online for a VERY long time. It has a wide variety of commands compared to many other bots. Dyno provides a web interface that brings a lot of features such as message moderation and spam protection which is rather automatic then manually. More options are also there; you can create custom commands, manage roles. In the entertainment department, there are music and other options to add to your discord server.

Add to your Discord server

Dyno commands

Google (string) will get search results from Google also you can set AFK status whenever your username gets mentioned. Retrieve server information and server uptime by giving serverinfo and uptime command, and when you need to check a users information, you can type whois [user name].


I recommend this bot to those who want plenty of fun. It has every command you could go, plus 10 more.
I’ll edit this and add more in the future! Let me know if you liked this informational post and if you’d like to see more in the future! Enjoy!

Bot link: Add to your Discord server


discord bot, erisbot

Erisbot can play music from YouTube oh you have to do is provide a video URL, it is cool, but a limited feature since you will need to provide a URL each time you need to change music track. It also has other features including Twitter feed and can be an alternative to, and this. Other features it includes a self-cleaning mechanism that will ensure your server will stay spam free. Other features include Currency Converter and weather information if you also use twitch you will be happy that it also has which notification which can be useful for sure. Overall it does plenty of things, and if you are looking for a bot football entertainment in future wife purple, this is worth a try.

Add to your Discord server


There are a couple of reasons why this is one of the popular discord application with a plethora of comments which you can add to your discord server. What makes you stand out from other board that it has graphical UI which is decent and loves moderation with Anti Spam feature that will keep your server clean all the time. Anti-spam is a must-have feature, and most of the discord bot mentioned in this post has this feature.

dyno bot, discord bot

If you want to add music to your server from YouTube, you don’t need to add an extra plugin because it comes with YouTube integration. Apart from the basic functions like motivation and anti-spam it also offers role management that you can use to ban or kick players. Also, you can post AFK status if you need to.

Add to your Discord server


There are a couple of websites like Reddit which recommend this bot for music purpose. So it is a music pot that provides integration for YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, video and many more music services so that you will never run out of music on your server.

If you want to install it on your discord server, you can do that with one click. There are many reasons to install this bought on your discord server because it lets you search and play YouTube video within the chat function. Unlike other bots which lets you enter a YouTube URL to stream music to your discord server, it allows you to enter your favorite song name, and it will automatically find and play that song for you. It also offers some options which include shuffle and repeat option using that you can put all of your songs in queue. There is a free alternative to this bot Goes by the name DabBot.

Add to your Discord server


If you are looking for a discord bot that can do sort of manning thing including banning people for a certain amount of time. If you are a fun loving person, you are going to love it the integration of Giphy and twitch. On customization level, you can create a post to show to the new peoples who join your server. Entertainment voice you can play music from YouTube by providing URL and its like you adjust volume and manage song. Overall it is a good discord bot if you want to add it to your server.

In our allrounder list, this is another discord bot that we mentioned explicitly as the “best discord bot” you can add to your server to gain more flexibility regarding moderating server and integration to Giphy and twitch.

To welcome a new user, you can set a custom message that appears to new users as well as leave a message that will show to users leaving your server. In the music department, you get simple music features that include controlling playback, volume adjustment that’s it.

Add to your Discord server


I love people who use funny discord bots; this is one of them. If you want to make your server more appealing, you can add emojis and sticky posts.

If you ask which bot is funny and useful at the same time that would be Septapus. If you want to enlighten your server, then you can install it because any time we get bored reading just-the-text. If that happens why not put some knowledge and informative to your server so that users won’t bore and go away. Simultaneously, it will attract more people to join your server.

If you want to post emojis on your server, you can do that as well. On the other hand, you can set a reminder so that it will notify users of an upcoming or happening event. It can also teach some knowledge from YouTube gaming channels and can provide real-time announcement if the user of your server happened to be YouTube streamers.

Visit the Septapus website


TypicalBot is another well — known bot for Discord server which comes with many customization and moderation. You can compare it with Aethex bot which is currently offline. It provides various of moderation tools like nickname logs, and bans/unbans logs, queue and much more.

Which fort is built after a year of experience the official website stated.

It has many useful features, and the major feature it has is the ability to moderate at your server and simultaneously add some of the entertaining features to your server including random cat and dog images, random images, dice rolling and 8 ball. also if you arrange giveaways on your server help you by selecting a casual user.

Add to your Discord server

Serum Bot.

Do you want to add voice functionality to discord server? Losing all the way if you are not using Serum Bot [the best discord bot for voice command] in case you are familiar with Google Assistant and how that work you can use this to give voice commands in your game server.

But do not expect that it will provide you with a voice comment like a SIRI, it offers you only the basic level voice commands which are quite useful at times it will trigger that function by your voice. You are playing a game, and you have to speak “Hey serum” to enable it as you speak “Hey Cortana” in Windows and “Hey Google” on Android.

Add to your Discord server

 Discord Dungeons.

The first time you use it, you will feel that it is not like the other Bots. The most important thing is that it is an RPG game that works on your disco application permitting Users and yourself to play games. When installed it offers game within the Desktop client allowing connected users to fight between and to trade items.

It is actually a game in the form of a discord bot. What’s inside this game is fighting with Enemies, trade items and get achievements. Since there is an application for most of the devices no matter if you use your mobile phone or your laptop, you can still play this came from anywhere on any of your device log in to your discord and join the game

Visit the Discord Dungeons website

Add to your Discord server.

3 Bonus best discord bots


One of the popular and best discord bot with tons of features you can integrate into your server to expand your server flexibility and gain better spam moderation. Some basic features are muting users, enable notifications, get to know more of your users and last you can get job and memes never run out of entertainment.

Also, we have mentioned a lot of discord bot that supports YouTube integration to play music from YouTube, this bot supports YouTube integration along with SoundCloud. Talking more about media playback on your server, it gives you options to play pause rewind and volume control. If you don’t feel too enter a YouTube URL each time you want to play music you can use it to feature that will play all of the songs so whenever a song will and it automatically will play the next song ahead of it.

Visit the Discoid website


I am sure you have played the overwatch game, and if you did, you would fall in love with this discord bot. So probably I am mentioning this as the best discord bot for overwatch players. For starters, this bot will fetch your overwatch status, so you don’t have to leave your server to check that. One more intuitive feature is checking your competitive States.

If you’re an Overwatch player, you’ll love this bot. This bot is called OverwatchBot for a reason. It is a supercharged bot that can let you do all the things related to Overwatch, that you might want. You can add this bot to your server, and it will allow you to view your Overwatch statistics without having to leave the server. You can also check your competitive stats using the OverwatchBot including displaying the top 5 best players.

Visit the OverwatchBot page


If you are looking for an all-rounder discord bot, you can surely check out this. On the ground, it offers fundamental motivation plethora of comments including Full support for visual images, YouTube and animated images. The annoying part of it is you are not going to use all of its comments because there are tons of them, this might pull some users off.

It allows you to embed JavaScript so you can let other users play other games, live polls and much more. In the background, his can log all of the mentioned which are made on your server and display them on a beautiful chart on a profile system.

Visit the AwesomeBot website

Best Discord Bots to Add to your Server

These are the best discord bots available on the Internet you can install to your discord server in one click. Let us know in the comments section if we missed out your favorite discord bot or which bot do you want to see in this list. Also if you have to pick one of the best discord bots which would be it. To learn how to install a Bot on your discord server read the guide which is linked to starting of this article.

Discord is the best client to create a server and allowing others to join. The main feature is the voice chat and ability to spice up your server with different Bots takes it to a whole new level, where you can’t ignore Discord. Also. It’s cross-platform, so it will be there on all major devices that you use.

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