How to Share Live Location on Whatsapp

WhatsApp’s live location feature can be a lifesaver. Learn how to share your live location on WhatsApp.

The feature is being rolled out for both Android and iPhone mobile apps. WhatsApp Live Location Sharing is not something permanent (such as in Google Maps) and is limited to sharing live locations for 15, 1 Hour, and 8 Hours. WhatsApp Live Location Sharing can be turned off at any time. To prevent your location from being shared, you can turn off the GPS.

As I woke up this morning, I decided to finish this article as I know there will be a live location feature available in a few weeks, but today I requested my sister’s location to determine when I should leave home to pick her up. Then she sent me a live location. I was like, “Wait, what?” It was just that simple. The live location that she sent me worked fine, and I was also able to view it in satellite view and other modes. Therefore, here are the final thoughts on the live location feature in WhatsApp, along with instructions on how to properly use these features while maintaining privacy and security.

How to send live location on WhatsApp.

Sending a live location on WhatsApp is similar to sending a static or one-time location. Here is how to send a live location to a WhatsApp contact or in a group.

Step 1.

Start by opening a chat or group thread where you want to share your location. However, for safety precautions do not share Your live location with a larger group.

Step 2.

Tap on the attachment icon which is located on the right bottom side. Then tap on the location button.

Step 3.

Make sure your phone’s GPS is turned on, then tick the live location option and send it. Now choose the time limit of the live location for a specific time like fifteen minutes or so and tap on sending live location. It’s done.

People with whom you shared a location will be able to see your current location, (unlike the consistent location) when you move your location will update and the people will know where are you.

How to stop WhatsApp live location?

Of course in some instances, if you want to stop sharing live locations, there is a kill switch which is to turn off the location service (GPS), the easiest way? Say “Ok Google” then command “turn off GPS” to open the location setting to quickly toggle location.

So what are your views about the long-awaited feature which finally makes its way to the Facebook-owned chat messaging app? A part of users aren’t happy with these features, according to them the blue tick already killed several hundred relationships and this feature may break the left ones. Funny things aside, we should respect WhatsApp for giving this feature which practically helps your family to know that you’re moving and safe.

Live location not updating in WhatsApp

When WhatsApp doesn’t have location permission when not running (in the background) this stops the live location update and the other person might not see frequent updates. To solve this problem, go to WhatsApp’s App information > Permissions then tap on Location and select Allow all the time.

How often does WhatsApp live location update?

That depends on the phone battery, the phone’s optimization, and a few other things. On average WhatsApp can send live location updates in a few seconds. Many OEM ROM may limit how often WhatsApp and other applications can request location when running and when in the background.

What live location on WhatsApp and how it’s different from current location?

So what this new feature allows is sharing your location in real-time with your friends or family. Live location is a decent and easy way to let your friends and family know where are you exactly.

For instance, if you’re meeting up with friends or coming to the home, this live location lets your family know your location, so they know you’re safe.

Also, for example, you’re coming home on holiday, so instead of your family calling you every five minutes, you can gently send them your live location using WhatsApp, so they eventually have an idea of where are you and when will you be be be reach home.

If your friends going to a party or picnic, and all of you have to gather at a place to start your day, one can ask each person to share their live location, so other members track each other. Of course, we have friends in a group who lie about their location and keep saying “coming in five minutes” when you ask them by calling.

Live location isn’t very new, other services like Snapchat and massager have already introduced similar features.

WhatsApp is a favorite and widely used chat application, and the live location feature has its advantage. The feature is currently available in the beta version of the Android and iOS app, in upcoming days it will take place on both Android and iOS stores as a stable version. Then you can update your WhatsApp app to use this feature.

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