10 Best comment systems for Blogger (Blogspot)


Comment Systems for Blogger

The comment system is a vital element of a web page. It ensures the ability of visitors to speak their minds and ask questions. The default commenting system for blogger blogs is outdated concerning functionality and ease. Today you will discover all alternative commenting systems for your blogger blog. Total comments numbers can be matrices to influence a visitor and turn them into loyal visitors.

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However, the listed best commenting system for blogger blogs is not limited to the blogger; you can install them on WordPress and in some cases on your custom CMS too. You can also install these commenting systems on any CMS such as Joomla, Drupal, and another custom CMS that allows you to add custom scripts. WordPress did it the great way, the default WordPress comment system is excellent and offers a  name/URL option – it will help visitors to leave a comment for the sake of a backlink.

Since some websites are very strict about comments, while others want more and more comments. That is why you need comment systems for blogger websites, here explore the top Comment system for the blogger and WordPress platform; that can be installed quickly. The listed comment systems should be able to install on a blogger blog. We gathered a list of the best third-party commenting system for Blogspot. You can compare them and can choose one for your blogger blog.

Let’s jump to the list of the best commenting systems to use for blogger blogs. P.S. We had to list them randomly. Within the next few minutes, you will explore some new alternatives to the blogger’s default comment system as well as a compressive review of each.

1. Disqus

Disqus Comment system is one of the most popular commenting systems for blogger blogs, and some big websites such as the UltraLinx use it.
There are hundreds of website which uses Disqus. Is it free? Yes, you can add it to the website for free.

How to use Disqus comments? It is as simple as 1-2-3. You need to make a Disqus profile by signing on it. You will be provided a script that you need to add to your website to enable the Disqus comment system instantly. Disqus vs. Facebook comments; Disqus comes first if we had to compare it to Facebook. Disqus vs. WordPress comments; one of the individual characteristics of WordPress comments is that you can manage them more efficiently from your WordPress dashboard.

If you own a WordPress blog do not there is a WordPress Disqus plugin that you can install to enable Disqus on your website. I am pretty sure there are no DISQUS alternatives if we had to compare. Such if your compare Disqus vs. livefyre no doubt Disqus won the crown here.

Disqus also does increase engagement by showing reverent posts beneath the comment box. In their free plan, a credit link will be there. Disqus also started a new initiative that let you earn points by showing other blog posts on your website and using the points to get traffic for your blog.

Disqus supports real-time commenting and a wide range of functionality – you can enable comments moderation to prevent spam.

Disqus comment system for blogger blogs is strongly recommended. /© Quickfever

2. Vuukle

This is the new addition to this article, and you can check the demo on this website.

3. Google+

Update: Google+ project is shut down.

Within one click you can set up Google+ comments. However, it is not a respected comment system either. Google + comment system blogger will suit your blog; a niche does not matter here.

Google+ offers great UI and gives the ability to anyone who happens to have a Google account. While it may slow down your blog’s speed. However, apart from it is very promising to increase engagement. Many webmasters use this, it also offers more features such as text formatting and mentioning people.

How to use the google+ comment system: It is super easy to enable this; you just need to go to the Google+ tab on your blogger blog dashboard and-and can allow it in one click.

4. Facebook

Nothing to brag about Facebook as they are always ready to do new things, It is easy to set up a Facebook comment system. Showing Facebook comments on Blogger as well as WordPress is simple. Visit Facebook comments for sites.

5. Html comment box

It is not such a popular comment system, but you can install it on both WordPress and Blogger. They offer a code that we can place on any custom website that supports HTML editing. Click on the link above, and signs up with a Google account. Moreover, put the given code on your site. Technically it will work on any CMS, in which you can add HTML Scripts. Some music websites are using this, DJMaza.Info (custom CMS)

HTML comment box comment system for a blogger is easy to install. Pro – Looks like WordPress and same functionality. Moreover, unlike Disqus, it only places a small link to its website. It has a URL option, which means it will ask visitors to put a website link (if they own one) RSS, and numerous more options.

This is very light to load, so you do not need to deal with your blog speed.
Indexable comments (mostly, as we are not sure about it). Con – in the free plan you may suffer from ads from their website, but I do not know.

HtmlCommentBox Homepage

best commenting system for joomla

6. CommentLuv

CommentLuv’s plugin is available for WordPress. For other CMS such as Blogger, you can also install this comment system. Commentluv can be installed on blogger, but you will need to install (#6) Intense Debate comment system to enable the CommentLuv extension. The beautiful part of comment Luv is to encourage visitors to comment on your blog. They will have the option to link their latest blog post link beneath their comment.

7. Intense Debate

This is from the makers of WordPress. This comment system for bloggers easily could import comments from another system such as Blogger blogger comments.

IntenseDebate is an old commenting system for bloggers a good choice if you want simple. Intense Debate has better import/export options. However, it has a poor user interface, but you can tweak it by adding custom CSS.

8. Livefyre

This one has attractive text formatting options, but it lacks the UI, when you install this in blogger, probably you will not get the same comment system as shown below image. However, it can be an option if you do not like Disqus and others. Livefyre comment systems for bloggers and WordPress can be installed quickly.

9. Vicomi

However, we also are not so familiar with this new comment system, besides you can use this as an alternative comment system. It has a user interface that we can relate to Twitter, there is no website field, meaning you can attract visitors to comment for the sake of the backlink. You can install it on WordPress with this plugin and follow the below link to add it to the blogger or other CMS.

10. Spot.Im

This is also a new comment system and supports both Blogger and WordPress platforms. Unlike it is other competitors, Spot. offers some individual features. You should read this review of the spot. im before getting started.

Chat systems for blogger blogs

Technically this is not a comment system option. There is some free chat system available, which you can use to talk to your visitor in real-time. If you do not need a large comment section filled with 200 comments, you can use chat systems. It may happen that you will turn visitors into loyal readers using the chat system. Just like the biz chatbox and my live chat as they are free. Many more chat systems for bloggers are out there.

You will be talking in real-time with your blog audience. It lacks one thing that is a time-consuming idea; you will need to be online to chat with your audience unlike comment systems, where commentators will be receiving an email for replies.

Not using any comment system

If you write a niche, that does not have anything to do with comments. You can remove the comment system from the blogger blog, to do so one simple way is to go to the blogger dashboard – settings – comments – set the comment location to hide. This will remove the inbuilt feedback system of your blogger blog.

Some blogs (even this), do not need a feedback system. If you fancied about adding a comment system to your at any cost. You need to figure this out, If you were not getting the comment before, maybe you just need to add a link to a blog page where visitors can ask their questions or queries. PS – if you already installed a

PS – if you already installed a third-party commenting system, you need to remove it is code from the place, where you have added it. Top Commenting Systems for Blogger Blogs: So far you know 10 comment systems that you can install on your blog. Also, find your best comment plugin for WordPress.

Comments are always the best way to get feedback, and queries from your visitors. The more comment you get, the more chances a new audience will influence and turn into a loyal audience. After reading this post now, you know the best commenting systems for bloggers. Like it or not, you need to be concerned about which comments system you need to use. Analyze your audience, and your blog posts do they generate question comments — use chat systems. Concerned about SEO – Use comment systems.

  1. Last but not least Livefyre , the latest addition to the d party commenting and discussion system market. They may be new but that does not make them the weakest. And as the matter of fact, pardon my subjective opinion; LiveFyre is my favorite among the three.

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