10 Best Free Operating Systems for Computers in 2022


10 Best free Operating systems that you can install on your computer or laptop. Most people either have windows or Mac OS on their computer. If your computer comes with a digital license for the OS that it runs, then you already paid for the operating system.


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Upgrading to the new edition (eg. from Windows 10 single language to Windows 10 Pro) requires acquiring a license key, which costs a handsome amount of money.

I assume you already knew Ubuntu (the Simplified, and overrated) and the Debian (Stable-again-simplified) it’s time we talk about other free operating systems including some Linux distributions.

These operating systems are completely free to use,  you don’t have to purchase a license or pay to download and most are open source means you can view the whole operating system codes.

We’ll start with good-looking and rich-features-wise operating systems, then lightweight Linux distros.

Next read: Alternative Operating Systems For Your Computer

Chrome OS for PC

You can load the unofficial Chrome operating system on your computer and have a taste of what’s it like to own a Chromebook. Chrome OS is elegant and powerful and lets you focus on your work.

Google’s Chrome OS is also built on Linux Kernel and optimized with user-level software and a user-friendly desktop environment that eventually uses the chrome browser and chrome apps. You obviously can’t install the official chrome os if you don’t have a Chromebook, but there are several unofficial forks of Chrome OS goes by many names, one of which is arnoldthebat project that you can download and boot using a USB drive.

If you want to hop in, check this Chrome OS installation guide to install it on your normal computer or laptop. At this time, specific features like running Android apps are limited to some Chromebooks. But that’s ok because if you solely want to run android apps there are Android operating systems as well.

The good part about Chrome OS is that you’d won’t miss your old operating system because there are so many Chrome extensions for almost everything. You need a VPN chrome store has it, you need a grammar checker, the store has that as well. So yeah, overall Chrome OS can be a good option to dump your typical Operating system, surely there is a learning curve that eventually it’ll become easy to adapt to the Chrome OS because the key feature is the Chrome Browser which we all love to use.

There are also options when you want to install an unofficial Chrome OS port on your computer, these are some of the options you can start with.

Aarnoldthebat: Updates Daily, Weekly and monthly.

Creating bootable USB of Chrome OS

Learn more about Chrome os //(options)


Best free os, Korora

Korora is a good-looking free and open-source Linux operating system. Very similar to Fedora but with some nifty options such as wallpaper shuffle, nice selection as far as wallpapers are concerned. The material design somewhat inspires the UI, and the functions are overall enough for an average user.

The top taskbar is minimal, elegant, and looks nice. From the right side, you can manage volume level among other settings. Without a second thought, I’ll advise anyone to try this Linux distro as this can be easily your best operating for your computer.

Android OS for PC

Remix OS tried a high-profile attempt to bring the Android OS on computers but that didn’t went very well, they’ve discontinued the project. It’s a real bummer when a team that promises to deliver a “lifetime” and “stay up-to-date” operating system fade like this. But Phoenix OS is still here, but the development is around the Chinese marketplace.

Android is also based on Linux Kernel but it is completely different from the typical Linux-based operating systems and the major feature is that you can install apps and games from the Android web store aka Google play store. The good part? It’s free os for PC so can install on as many computers and be using it without worrying about any activation or license.

Android has a major stack in mobile operating systems worldwide, but Android OS on computer is still underrated as users who run Android OS on the computer are less than 1%. Today mobile is capable of (sort of) doing everything that a computer does. So if you use an Android OS on your computer the learning curve is almost nothing since you are using Android on your phone or tablet.

To get started visit the Android-x86 website and from there grab a system Image (At this time nougat rc2 port is the latest) and burn it to a USB drive. Then boot from it to use Android OS on your normal computer and you’ll be amazed to see all those android apps running apps on your laptop screen. The Android-x86 provides a near-to-stock android experience but other projects such as Phoenix OS provides a better desktop experience.

jide’s Android OS for PC created a hype among internet users that they can install a useable Android operating system on their computer but soon they discontinued the project. After a short time, another similar project took place and is still supported and gets updated often. The worthy mention is Phoenix OS which simulates a Windows similar desktop interface including Taskbar, start menu, and action center-like features. However, The Phoenix OS has some Chinese bloatware that I was unable to uninstall as they appear as soon as when you try to remove them. Hopefully, with the new version there is less bloatware and better stability and support for more hardware.

free android os for computer
Remix OS 3 / Pic credit: Devendra

Compatibility wise both remix and Phoenix OS do not support a wide range of hardware, but on the other hand, be original Android x86 Port does support a wide range of hardware including older computers. So if you are unable to run Phoenix OS then try the Android x86 build (not to mention that the older port will be more stable on old hardware). While both projects are not totally open-source but consider them free os for pc just like the parent project.

free operating system for old computer
Phoenix OS/ Pic credit: devendra

There are these other projects like bliss OS which offers little functionalities like Taskbar and navigation buttons meanwhile keeping the original stock Android experience. If you want to know more about the Android operating system confused about which Android OS you should choose read the following article.

6 Best Android OS for Computers You can Install

Learn more about android os for PC.

Cub Linux: [Discontinued]

Best Free Operating Systems

Based on Linux, Cub Linux is similar looking to the Chrome OS (or Chrome OS forks). The Operating system is sanctified toward replicating the Chrome OS (Found in Chromebooks).

It has Chromium Browser as the main element of the operating system hardwired with the Chrome App Launcher.

Since it is based on Linux, you can install packages and use the terminal to do things as usually people do with Linux. Also, it’s a kind of lightweight distro of Linux and can be used directly from a USB Drive, while you can make a persistence USB to save user data without the need to install it on your Hard Drive.

Update: As I can see the official website is down you can visit their GitHub and SourceForge page to download builds. As far as I think the project is discontinued which means no support from its community if you can compromise with future updates you can still try it. I mentioned it because it is worth trying, even now when it’s discontinued.

Ubuntu and based Distros

Free Operating Systems

Parent Article: 5 Best Ubuntu Based Linux Distros You Can Install

The number one Linux distro of all the time. The newer Ubuntu builds have long-term support which makes it a reliable operating system. It does support video drivers and another driver according to your hardware. For instance, if you have Intel HD graphics, related drivers can be installed using the tool created explicitly for Linux by Intel. That’s why if your concern is the graphics performance you should go with Ubuntu or the godfather “Debian” to get graphics driver support. The latest build requires at least 2GB of RAM to function properly. If you’re running on a low spec, check the rest distros.

Elementary OS

best and top free os
Elementary OS

It is designed to look and feels like the MAC OS. At least to me, this doesn’t seem like a Linux distro. Also, an open-source project without any kind of ads and comes with a store to install packages. There is also a new release that is called Loki, and since it is in Beta, you should try that if you don’t mind a bug or thousands. The stable builds are good if you want to start with a good-looking Linux distro.

Read more about Elementary OS


top linux distros, best, free, fast

I kind of like Antergos—I did install the OS just to experience and wrote about it, and trust Me I fall in love with it. I did test the Minimal version of the operating system. The minimal version ISO file is around 550+ MB which is a bandwidth saver and will support even older computers. Not much older computers maybe. Here is what supports older machines. (the Minimal ISO does require an internet connection to be installed on your computer, I’d suggest downloading the full ISO instead). When talking about the settings and file manager interface, they have quite more options. Also, the apps catalog somewhat reminds me of the Start menu of Windows 7, I mean not UI-wise.


Another user-friendly Linux distribution, has 3 flavors: XFCE (lightweight), KDE (rich-and-cool), and the Minimal net edition. It brings the Start Menu, and that is useful to find programs that do other functions. There are also some other community editions, which means you have options, and many flavors available maintained by different manjora team members. It’s great that this is the only Linux distro offers options when it comes to appearances. And it’s not quite common among other Linux-based operating systems.


Zorin OS

Zorin OS is one of the few Linux distros that I actually liked, It reminds and maybe the combination of the appearance of Windows 10 and Windows 7, but even better. You might have a rough time while installing graphics drivers as per your computer hardware, but there are tutorials about them. Despite, you’ll get such a nice user interface, where most of the settings and functions are one or two clicks away. Such as the start menu contains the shortcut to Settings, software and power options. Sound like Windows 7, hell yeah. Overall the interface is decent and more of modern design. It comes with some apps like Chromium browser, Wine to play Windows apps, office, utilities, and some games built-in.

Zorin OS


Requirements: 2GB of RAM for optimal experience and 64-bit CPU architecture.

Image credit: Solus-project

It comes in three desktop flavors which are Bungie, Gnome, and Mate. The Bungie is for modern computers, GNOME offers a balanced desktop experience, and Mate can be used on older hardware. So all of these flavors are around 1.2–1.3 GB in size. So it is just a Linux-based operating system but you will get better functionalities and a different user interface and it is far easier to get used to it rather than Ubuntu and other distributions.

I would like to mention another Linux operating system which goes by “PoP_OS” a very developer-friendly Desktop Environment but you will fall in love with this operating system even if you are not a developer, it is so beautiful that I find myself using it in the weekend.

Best Free OS for your computer

For a new user maybe all the Linux distributions are the same they are. You should try more than one Linux distro before settling on one, the more you’ll try, the more chance you’ll find a better one. Don’t stick. Try more and more.

These are the best Linux distro you can try else you can visit a list of all Linux distros here at Wikipedia. Many more Linux distributions may be lesser known such as niche-Linux-distros that are supported by a small community. That’s all for now, in the coming days more Linux guides will be published. So stay tuned, Stay happy.

One such downside of custom Linux distributions is that you can’t install or maybe have a hard time finding and installing graphics drivers according to your computer. This is not a major issue with some top distros like Ubuntu and Debian and Fedora. Feel free to spend hours, days, or even months exploring Linux.

All of the operating systems are free to download and use and can be directly booted from a USB drive. our pick for the best free os for pc is Android OS projects because they are easy to use, and support thousands of Android Apps and games from the Play store.

Are you done with MAC, Windows 10, and Linux OS? Isn’t there any free OS for PC (operating system) apart from these 3 giant OS? And if there are other operating systems, which one is good and free to use? Any good and free operating system for my computer?

Today we have written this article to answer these questions. this is so true that most people use either Windows or macOS and they are not free. Although, Windows 10 comes pre-loaded with many laptops with activation details soldered in the BIOS. So when you Fresh install that same Windows 10 variant it will automatically get activated. But when you install another version of Windows it won’t work at all and it left you with only the option to buy a Windows license. Despite the fact that the number of pirated Windows users are very high that Microsoft even admitted that “Only 1 out of 10 Windows computer is genuinely activated” but cracking Windows with 3rd party tool is dangerous as most of them are fake, bloatware, viruses, and does nasty stuff to your computer.

  1. I have used every version of Windows that they made. but i don’t like their intrusiveness on windows 10. so, i want to go to another alternative system. my question is which one will most likely allow me to use my existing scanners, printers, etc? i use my pcs every day and don’t want to spend a ton of time trying to get these things up and running. I’m not naive, i expect to have do some things to adjust. but i want to end up working with my computers, not working on them.

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