Download Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ISO Direct Links for 32-bit and 64-bit


Ubuntu OS: The neoteric and most popular operating system for people who need a completely different operating system or those bored with Windows and MAC.

That’s right! Nothing can beat Ubuntu, it’s fast and organized. Ubuntu comes pre-loaded with apps like GIMP, VLC, Firefox, etc. The latest version of Ubuntu is 120.04 which requires at least 2GB’s of RAM. However, you can download the older Ubuntu version if your computer has a lower RAM. We’ve also reviewed 5 other best Ubuntu-based Linux distros you can install, as it’s Linux based and is one of the most popular operating systems, but there are other alternatives also as well. You need basic knowledge of installing an operating system on your computer. Ubuntu is not a very addictive OS for average users coming from Windows.

Selected features of Ubuntu 22

Tons of free applications on the Ubuntu App directory can be installed with a few mice and keyboard strokes. Comes with all-in-one office solution, LibreOffice has used Microsoft Office and Google Docs alternatives, moreover it’s free and won’t cost you a fortune.

Recommended system requirement.

  1. 2 GHz dual-core processor or better
  2. 4 GB system memory
  3. 25 GB of free hard drive space
  4. Either a DVD drive or a USB port for the installer media
  5. Internet access is helpful

Ubuntu 22.04 .iso download

The live installer, as the name suggests, smaller boot ISO that will use the internet connection at the time of installation. and since it will download the latest packages.

  • amd64 – For 64-bit Intel/AMD Live installer ISO

Get Ubuntu 20 Torrents.

Use a BitTorrent client or a service to get the Ubuntu system image. You can try and similar services to get the work done in seconds.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

The last LTS that supported 32-bit is Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)

5 Best Ubuntu-based Linux Distros You Can Install: In case you don’t feel right with the Ubuntu interface and want a total overhaul.

Wrapping Up

Ubuntu is everywhere, let it be on Desktop or web servers, even runs on powered by OpenLiteSpeed web server installed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.


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