Apple Pages Shortcuts: Boost Your Efficiency with These Keyboard Tricks”


“Apple Pages is a comprehensive word-processing app with an intuitive interface, robust collaboration tools, advanced formatting options, and free availability with every Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Experience seamless document creation, customization, and sharing with Pages.”

Apple Pages lets you create stunning Documents and is somewhat Apple’s take on Google Docs and Canva. While it certainly lakes features, Pages remains a good software for iOS users who want this.

Frequently Used Shortcuts
Command + NCommand + NCreate a new document by opening the template chooser.
Command + OCommand + OOpens an existing document on Mac or the Document Manager on iPad.
Command + ZCommand + ZUndo the last action.
Shift + Command + ZShift + Command + ZRedo the last action.
Command + CCommand + CCopy element.
Command + VCommand + VPaste element.
Command + FCommand + FShow/hide the Find window.
Command + SCommand + SSave Document.
Quick Actions
Shift + Command + WShift + Command + WShow or hide the word count.
Command + RCommand + RShow or hide the ruler.
Command + RCommand + Return or Command + EnterInsert a page break.
Option + Shift + Command + VOption + Shift + Command + VPaste and match the content style.
Command + PCommand + PPrint document.
Command + ACommand + ASelect all content.
Fn + DGlobe icon + DActivate dictation.
Command + JCommand + JJump to selection from anywhere in your document.
Command + QCommand + HQuit Pages.
Option + Command + PShow or hide the Page Navigator.
Edit Text, Tables, Shapes, and Charts
Command + BCommand + BApply boldface to selected text.
Command + ICommand + IApply italics to selected text.
Command + UCommand + UApply underline to selected text.
Command + KCommand + KAdd a hyperlink to the selected text or object.
Command + Plus Sign (+)Command + Plus Sign (+)Increase selected text size.
Command + Minus Sign (-)Command + Minus Sign (-)Decrease selected text size.
Command + LCommand + LLock the selected object in place.
Option + Command + LOption + Command + LUnlock the selected object.
Shift + Command + BShift + Command + BMove the selected object to the back.
Option + Shift + Command + BOption + Shift + Command + BMove the selected object to the front.
Option + Command + GOption + Command + GGroup selected objects.
Shift + Option + Command + GShift + Option + Command + GUngroup selected objects.
Command + DCommand + DDuplicate selected object.
Shift + TabShift + TabSelect the name of a table
Shift + Command + VShift + Command + VPaste the formula result in a table.
ReturnReturnSelect the first cell in a table.
Control + Command + MControl + Command + MMerge selected cells in a table.
Control + Shift + Command + MOption + Control + Command + MUnmerge selected cells in a table.
Option + Command + DeleteOption + Command + DeleteDelete all selected rows.
Control + Command + DeleteControl + Command + DeleteDelete all selected columns.
Shift + Command + DShift + Command + DOpen Chart Data Editor.
Option + Command + EOption + Command + EInsert an equation.
Option + Shift + Command + Left ArrowOption + Shift + Command + Left ArrowIn a table, expand the current selection to include the first populated cell in the current row.
Option + Shift + Command + Right ArrowOption + Shift + Command + Right ArrowIn a table, expand the current selection to include the last populated cell in the current row.
Option + Shift + Command + Up ArrowOption + Shift + Command + Up ArrowIn a table, expand the current selection to include the first populated cell in the current column.
Option + Shift + Command + Down ArrowOption + Shift + Command + Down ArrowIn a table, expand the current selection to include the last populated cell in the current column
Option + Command + DeleteOption + Command + DeleteDelete selected rows.
Control + Command + DeleteControl + Command + DeleteDelete selected columns.
Option + TabOption + TabInsert a tab in the text or formula.
Annotating Your Documents
Option + Command + BOption + Command + BAdd a bookmark.
Shift + Command + KShift + Command + KAdd a comment.
Command + ReturnCommand + ReturnSave a comment after writing it.
Navigate Reading View
Up or Down arrow keyMove up or down a page.
Space Barjump down to the bottom of a page.
Option + Down Arrow or Option + Up ArrowGo to the next or previous page.
Command + Down Arrow or Command + Up ArrowMove to the beginning or end of the document.
Command + Left Arrow or Command + Right ArrowMove to the left or right of the canvas.
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