Windows 11 Insider Preview 26252 ISO Download 24H2 Including Updates


Microsoft keeps releasing Windows 11 insider preview builds, you can test the upcoming version of Windows 11 with new features before they appear in the stable public release. In this case, we are setting our eyeballs on Windows 11 24H2. This is a comprehensive guide on how you can download the latest Windows 11 insider preview ISO files and get them installed on your computer.

Testing the Windows 11 Insider Dev channel is indeed helpful for you to test upcoming features in the upcoming Windows 11 version (or Windows 12). Microsoft releases insider previews to test things and get feedback before rolling to the public. There is a higher chance that you get to see all the changes in the public release of Windows 11 and some functions can be purely experimental. Make sure to check our best apps for Windows 11, and clean temporary files once you’re done with it.

Timeline: We’ve simplified the codes for you.

🔴 Canary Channel26000 Series, 24H2
🟠 Dev Channel26000 Series, 23H2
🟢 Release Preview22631, 23H2
New Features: C > D > R | Stability C > D > R
  1. this is the longest proses i have gone through just to download an OS. 4hrs 22min on high speed internet. i think files takes long to build up. pop some popcorn and relax

    1. Yes sometimes it does take that much time. You can try editing the Configfile where set AddUpdates value to 2, it’ll be done under 30 minutes then.

    2. Hello, this is unfortunate, after it downloads the required files, open and edit the UUPconfig files and change the AddUpdates option to “2” so the setup won’t add the update to the ISO file.

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